1.416.283.7233 | 1.855.260.7233


1.416.283.7233 | 1.855.260.7233


Asbestos Awareness Training (Type 1 & Type 2)

Asbestos Awareness Training (Type 1 and Type 2)


While concerns about asbestos are not new, previous exposure to asbestos even decades ago is contributing to an increase in worker fatalities. Today, exposure to asbestos continues to be a significant health hazard for workers across a broad range of occupations. The goal is to eliminate the likelihood of asbestos exposure and reduce worker fatalities in the future.

One of the best controls against the threat of exposure is understanding the hazard and how to control exposure. Asbestos is classified by the Ministry of Labour as a “designated substance” with its own regulation under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Regulation 278 is titled “Asbestos on Construction Projects and in Buildings and Repair Operations” and identifies hazard control and the procedures for safe use and handling.
asbestos awareness training
During this instructor-led program participants learn:
It is important to understand the different classifications of asbestos operations. This program focuses on Type 2 operations.
All workers with the potential exposure to asbestos should attend this program. Each participant receives a booklet and a wallet certificate after successfully participating in the program.
Duration and Location
Three (3) hour classroom program at your location.

This program does not qualify participants for Type 3 removal. All workers including supervisors involved in Type 3 operations must complete an approved Asbestos Abatement training program.

Please contact our office for further details on Asbestos Awareness training.