MOL issues a warning to employers ahead of blitz
Earlier this year, the Ontario Ministry of Labour released a list of top 10 violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act found in 2017. The violations were written and issued by ministry inspectors over the course of last year. While workplace harassment and violence appeared to be the biggest issue affecting the workforce, fall protection and lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) rounded out the top three.
The assistant deputy minister of the MOL, Peter Augruso was in disbelief by the number of violations especially with those working at heights. In 2017, over 9500 violations were found by inspectors, which accounted for approximately 67% of total violations. Even with the MOL posting their blitz schedules and stating what they are assessing while onsite, the ball is in the court of the employer to ensure their sites are safe and their workers are compliant. Workers should also ensure their training is up to date and proof of training is available upon request.
Another key initiative of the MOL that will carry into 2019 is focused on the internal responsibility system (IRS), which is a system where everyone is made directly responsible for health and safety in their job. A joint health and safety committee (JHSC) helps ensure the IRS is effective in a workplace and helps prevent workplace illness and injuries and is often required for most workplaces. Certain members of the JHSC are required to take training and become certified in order to perform their roles effectively. Refresher training is required every year to maintain certification.
To learn more about fall protection training or joint health and safety training, contact us at 416-283-7233 or email us