Organizations that mix pedestrian traffic with the operation of equipment such as forklifts may want to consider the following to avoid the potential for accidents in the workplace.
Pedestrian traffic can contribute to forklift accidents:
• separate the pedestrian and forklift traffic by creating designated walkways;
• restrict people from entering areas where there is forklift traffic;
• pedestrians should always let forklift operators know they are in the area;
• pedestrians should make eye contact with the operator;
• the working area should be well-lit with no obstructions;
• operators should use caution near corners, doorways and narrow aisles and use the horn as a warning;
• operators should limit travel speed;
• avoid lift truck operation in pedestrian areas such as lunch rooms, time clocks, entrance and exits;
• visitor procedures should be established to include the necessity for an escort familiar with the workspace operation;
MOL inspectors have targeted warehouses and retail establishments with storage facilities recently particularly those with a high incidence of lost-time injuries or a history of non-compliance. Re-evaluating your operation in regards to the relationship between people and equipment is always a good idea.